
How Staywarm Energy’s Glazing Ensures Year-Round Comfort

Double glazing installation In Preston

When it comes to maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, the right glazing can make all the difference. We take pride in offering our signature Maxitherm™ insulated double glazing. Our glazing is meticulously crafted to ensure optimal comfort and energy efficiency throughout the year. Let’s delve into the science behind soft-coated low-emissivity glass and explore why it’s a game-changer for homeowners seeking year-round comfort.

What is Soft-Coated Low Emissivity Glass?

Soft-coated low-emissivity (low-E) glass is a specialized type of glazing that incorporates a thin, virtually invisible coating of metal oxide onto the surface of the glass. Engineers designed this to selectively reflect and absorb thermal radiation, thereby minimizing heat transfer through the glass.

Unlike traditional double glazing, which relies solely on the insulating properties of the air or gas-filled cavity between panes, low-E glass actively reduces heat loss or gain, depending on the season.

a photograph of double glazing being installed into a upvc window frame

Benefits of Soft-Coated Low Emissivity Glass:

Soft-coated low-emissivity glass plays a pivotal role in Staywarm Energy’s Maxitherm™ insulated double glazing, delivering unparalleled performance and comfort for homeowners. With its ability to regulate indoor temperatures, block UV radiation, and reduce condensation, low-E glass is a wise investment for any home. Experience the difference that soft-coated low-emissivity glass can make in your home and enjoy year-round comfort, energy savings, and peace of mind.

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