
Maxitherm Insulated Glazing

Energy Efficient Windows With Solar Control

Introducing Maxitherm™ Insulated Glazing – The Most Energy Efficient Windows Available!

Our signature Maxitherm™ insulated glazing is far more advanced than a standard insulated glass unit, as it works in a completely different way from standard double glazing. The inner pane of the window is made from a special low emissivity glass – the Maxitherm™ secret ingredient that you won’t find anywhere else! Low emissivity glass is a type of insulating glass, which increases the energy efficiency of windows by reducing the transfer of heat or cold through the glass. That means in the winter your house stays warmer, and in the summer it stays cooler.

The space or cavity between the inner and outer pane is filled with inert Argon gas. Although air is a good insulator, an inert gas such as Argon provides better insulation. The Maxitherm™ insulated glazing also uses a warm edge (or thermal break) spacer bar, which will reduce the heat lost around the perimeter of the unit by replacing a conventional aluminium spacer bar with a low heat-conductive material. This improves the energy efficiency of low emissivity windows by 40% – 50%! Warm edge spacer bars further reduce condensation on the room-facing surface of the window as they transmit less of a temperature difference to the interior pane.

A Maxitherm™ insulated glass unit allows more solar heat in through the windows. This effect is known as solar gain, and as it comes from the sun, it is free of charge! Just by using Maxitherm™ insulated glazing in your windows, you will be doing your bit for the environment as well as saving energy and money on your heating bills. When we install our Maxitherm™ insulated glazing into uPVC frames, your windows will be 90% energy efficient! This means that 90% of the heat inside your home stays exactly when you

Not sure what kind of glass you have in your windows? Give us a call on 01772 250 431 or email to info@staywarmenergy.co.uk to book your FREE, no obligation home energy assessment! We use the latest thermal imaging technology to find out where your house is losing heat, and let you know how to fix it.

Find out more about replacing the glazing in your windows without having to change the frames in our insulated glass upgrades page.