
Tag Archives: triple glazed windows

Bay Windows: Transforming Homes with Timeless Elegance

Bay Windows

Bay windows are architectural gems that add character, elegance, and functionality to any home. Delve into the beauty and versatility of bay windows, exploring their design options, benefits, and tips for making the most of these distinctive features in your living space.

The Power of Soundproofing Triple Glazing

a cross section of a triple glazed window

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of peace and tranquillity within our homes is essential. However, with noise pollution on the rise, achieving a serene living environment can be a challenge. That’s where soundproofing triple glazing steps in as a game-changer, offering a shield against the outside world.

Triple Glazed Windows Could Become Standard For UK Homes

a cross section of a triple glazed window

To help the UK reach it’s goal in reducing emissions, the government could make triple-glazed windows standard in all new build properties. New regulations could mean that properties built after 2025 would have to be fitted with triple-glazed windows, meaning a rise in demand for the extra insulation. Government data states that currently over 85% […]